Welcome to
Christ Lutheran Church
We desire to make disciples of all nations
by baptizing and teaching all our Lord has commanded us.
8:00 & 10:30 AM Sunday Worship
9:15 AM Sunday Education Hour
Communion is celebrated on the First and Third Sundays of the month at Early Service and the Second and Fourth Sundays of the month at Late Service.
Bible Study at 9:15 AM and Service at 10:30 AM Sundays are streamed on our YouTube and Facebook and our website.
We Gather to Receive
God has promised to give generously of His mercy and His Holy Spirit through His Word and Sacraments. We are confident that we receive them because their reception is not dependent on us. We receive God's grace even when we feel unworthy or our hearts are distracted, or we doubt. We receive God's grace because He is the one who does the work to provide them for us.
We Gather to Encourage
Community can be a very vague term. For us it is all about a very real and powerful promise that we make to our neighbors and to each other. We promise to stand beside each other in all circumstances and strive at all times to be helpful to one another. It is our hope that our Sunday gatherings provide us opportunities to encourage and support one another.
We Gather to Care
We are a community of faith which not only gathers in worship, but also in community service. As we work together and share our resources, we are better able to love our community and assist people who are in need.
Christ Lutheran is a part of the Oklahoma District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Want to Learn More?
Pastor Ross would be delighted to buy you a cup of coffee at a place of your choosing and answer any questions you might have.