Christ Lutheran Church is a place to meet Jesus in community. We are a fellowship of Christians who are excited by God's call to make disciples of all nations. We have committed ourselves to this ministry of worship, witness, teaching, service, and fellowship which involves each of us in boldly sharing God's Word with one another. Everyone is welcome.
Below you will find some FAQ’s and other information about the congregation. Christ Lutheran is a member of the Oklahoma District of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
What is a Lutheran?
In the 1500’s, Martin Luther, a monk in Germany, started what became known as the Protestant Reformation and changed the world. Luther wrote against the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church at the time. His followers eventually became known as “Lutherans”. Lutherans hold to the Scriptural teaching that we are saved by grace through faith and not our works. The three pillars of Lutheran teaching are:
Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone.
It is only the grace of God that saves. This is given only through faith. And, only Scripture is the sole rule and norm of our faith, not the traditions of man. The full expression of our beliefs as drawn from Scripture can be found in the Book of Concord which was compiled in 1580 A.D.
Christ Lutheran is a member of the Oklahoma District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
8:00 & 10:30 AM Sunday Worship
The message at Christ is simple: We preach Christ and Him crucified. In every service, Christ is with us, offering grace and forgiveness where He promises they will be:
in His Word and in His Sacraments.
At Christ, you will find a warm, welcoming, and family friendly atmosphere. We come from all different backgrounds. While we may be different from each other individually, we are united by our faith in Jesus Christ. All are welcome and we hope to see you soon!
Communion is celebrated on the First and Third Sundays of the month at Early Service and the Second and Fourth Sundays of the month at Late Service.
9:15AM Sunday Education Hour
The Bible is the Book of Life with every word coming from God Himself. Pastor Ross leads an adult Bible Study during this time in the Fellowship Hall to study God’s word. This class delves deep into Scripture, learning about God, and how our faith and God’s love affects every aspect of our lives. The class is also streamed online on our YouTube and Facebook.
Where should I park?
Parking is available on the east and south sides of the building. There are dedicated accessible parking spots available in the east parking lot.
What time are services?
Sunday services are at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Education hour is at 9:15 AM Sundays, too. During Advent and Lent we hold Wednesday night services at 7:00 PM. There are also special services throughout the year, i.e., Easter Sunrise, Christmas Eve, etc.
What should I wear?
Casual dress or Sunday best, it does not matter to us! We just want you to be comfortable. It is not unusual to see the whole spectrum at any service.
What is a service experience like?
Services are around 60-75 minutes in length, depending on what is occurring in a given service. Services include singing, prayers, an engaging message, a time for offerings, and a few announcements. Special music from Choir, Children’s Choir, handbells, etc. is offered regularly. Our services are Christ centered, biblical, relaxed, reverent, and welcoming.
When should I arrive?
We recommend arriving 10 minutes before a service time to allow time to “get situated” and speak with the pastor if you so desire.
I have young children, do you have a nursery or cry room?
We do have a nursery and cry room for those that would like to utilize it. We have a TV and audio set up so that you can still follow along with the service if you use the room. We know that children and persons with special needs like to wiggle, giggle, and make noise. That does not bother us. We encourage families to be together during worship and so welcome all the fun and excitement that all people bring.
Do you have hearing assistance?
Yes, we do have listening assistance devices. Please ask an usher if you need one and they will help set it up for you.
What if I am nervous about going to church?
A lot of people can be nervous coming to a church. We get it! If you decide to come, you will find a warm, welcoming environment filled with friendly people. You can also check out our service beforehand either through live-streaming on Facebook or watching on YouTube.
“Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times."
-Martin Luther
Come Join Us
501 N Clear Springs Rd
Mustang, OK 73064
Sunday Schedule
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
Education Hour
9:15 AM
(405) 376-3116
Want to Learn More?
Pastor Ross would be delighted to buy you a cup of coffee at a place of your choosing and answer any questions you might have.