They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. - Acts 2:42
Our Ministries, Missions, and Fellowship
Bible Studies
We have several Bible Studies throughout the week both on and off campus. On Wednesday Evenings we run a Bible Study at Arbor House in Mustang for the residents there.
Women’s Bible Study
On the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM in the church fellowship hall, the women at Christ Lutheran gather together for a Saturday morning breakfast and Bible study. It's a great way for the ladies to get together to enjoy fellowship and grow in Christ's word. The ladies are very involved in several areas of the church such as fellowship, member care, school board and are members in several other boards and committees.
Men’s Bible Study
One the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM in the fellowship hall, the men at Christ Lutheran Church gather together for a Saturday morning breakfast and Bible Study. It's a great way for "just the guys" to get together to enjoy fellowship and grow in Christ's word.
Do you enjoy singing? Play the organ or piano? Play an instrument of any kind? If you said yes, we invite you to share your talent with us on Sunday mornings. The Christ Lutheran Choir sings for the congregation regularly and holds weekly practice on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. We also have a Praise Team and a handbell choir. We have special music performed by various groups throughout the year.
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League, the official women's organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod since 1942, has an auxiliary group at Christ Lutheran. They focus on affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ to enable her to be in ministry among the people of the world and locally. In addition to local mission work such as Angel Tree, the ladies support other missions internationally. The "Mission Mites" boxes are collected by the ladies each month from the congregation who has filled them with change. The money goes to many charities in Oklahoma and around the world. The LWML ladies meet the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. Each first Sunday, the LWML collects mites from the congregation to be used toward missionaries and their needs.
Christ Lutheran has a vibrant youth group. Every Sunday during the Education Hour a youth Bible study is held. There are also various youth events that occur throughout the year. Every three years, Christ Lutheran Youth go to the LCMS Youth Gathering (YG). The next NYG will occur in New Orleans, LA in 2025.
Food Pantry
Christ Lutheran operates a food pantry for those in need. We also accept donations for our food pantry. For more information, including hours of operation, about the food pantry please click on the button below.
Our Mission
The Concordia mission is to uphold Christian values while meeting the current and continuing needs of seniors of all beliefs in a safe, secure and supportive environment.
Concordia has embraced “Be W.I.S.E.” values that are simple acts that have a positive impact within the community every day:
Wear a smile
In all things honor God
Serve others before yourself
Encourage and bless others
From the visionary efforts of Lutheran leaders more than 50 years ago, to the opening of Concordia Life Plan Community in 2007, we have built our foundation on people helping people and continue to serve seniors and the aging population both inside and beyond the walls of our community.
Concordia Life Plan Community is owned by Lutheran Senior Citizens, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Lutheran Senior Citizens, Inc. (LSCI) is comprised of representatives of its ten-member churches located in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas. LSCI was organized in 1959 for the purpose of providing senior housing and related services in the Oklahoma City vicinity and continues to be committed to meeting local seniors’ needs.