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Communion - Pentecost Sunday

  • Christ Lutheran Church 501 N Clear Springs Rd Mustang United States (map)

The Holy Spirit Gives Peace

Introit: Ps. 68:1, 4a,c, 11a, 33b, 35; antiphon: Wisdom 1:7a; Ps. 68:3
Old Testament: Gen. 11:1-9
New Testament: Acts 2:1-21
Gospel: John 14:23-31

Following the flood, Noah's descendants failed to spread out and fill the earth as God had spoken. Rather, they exalted themselves; with "one language and the same words" (Gen. 11:1) they spoke proudly and arrogantly. The Lord humbled them by confusing "the language of all the earth," dividing and dispersing the people (Gen. 11:9). That dispersal was reversed on Pentecost Day (the fiftieth day of Easter), when God caused the one Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to be preached in a multitude of languages. "At this sound the multitude came together" (Acts 2:6), for the preaching of Christ is the primary work of the Holy Spirit, whereby He gathers people from all nations into one Church. The Holy Spirit teaches and brings to our remembrance the words of Jesus, which are the words of the Father who sent Him. These words bestow forgiveness and peace to those who keep and hold on to them in love for Jesus. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27).

June 5

Reviewing the Basics Bible Study

June 7

Genesis Bible Study