God Chose You…
Choice is a divine gift to humankind. That means choice isn’t a right. And death isn’t a decision. It’s everyone’s inevitable destiny. You can’t “choice” your way out of death. We won’t keep our own deaths from happening by making anyone else’s death happen. Thanks be to God Jesus displaces freedom of choice and replaces it with freedom from choice. The choice we need is not a choice we make but the choice we are. What saves, what gives life, is not choosing but being chosen. The choice we can’t make, the one that matters most, is the one we don’t have to. God chose you, and that changes everything. No matter who’s left you alone, the Almighty Maker chose you. No matter what makes you afraid, the Lord God chose you. No matter why you feel ashamed, the Heavenly Father chose you. God chose you into existence. Your body proves it. You are a privilege. God chose you into forgiveness. Jesus’ body proclaims it. He is a gift. God chose you into making a difference. Every neighbor portrays it. They are your invitation. You’re not an accident or an afterthought, even in sufferings or difficulties. You’re special. No human life is a joke or a mistake, not even in surprise pregnancies or terminal diagnoses. Each one’s precious, from fertilization to forever. None of us is hand-me-down or half-hearted, not embryos, not impaired persons, not elderly ones. We’re all priceless, whatever our ages, abilities, and appearances. God chose you to embody and to enact the sanctity of human lives. Christians advocate this kind of choice. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” (John 15:16)