“Lamb of God…All sins though borest for us, else had despair reigned o’er us” (LSB 434). The modern era, born of the Enlightenment, was characterized by optimism that through the scientific study of all aspects of life we could discover how to eradicate evil and restore this world to Edenic glory. The wars of the twentieth century made it the bloodiest ever, proving that science could cause as much harm as good. The optimism of the modern era morphed into despair in the postmodern age. Sentimental appeals to “hope for the future” now fall on deaf ears as people daily view enormous evil and suffering in the media. Our common enemy, Death, likewise invites us to despair. Yet in the darkness a thrilling voice announces the Lamb who brings hope. Let us find Him in Genesis 22:7-8, 13-14, and John 1:29.
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