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Online Worship Service

  • Christ Lutheran Church 501 N. Clear Springs Rd. Mustang United States (map)

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Worship: Morning Prayer, adapted
Psalm: 145:1-14
Reading: Romans 7:14-25a

Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Is Our True Peace and Sabbath Rest

Though we have died with Christ in Holy Baptism, and we are raised to new life in Him, we find "another law waging war" in our body and life, that is, between our old Adam and the new man (Rom. 7:23). By the Spirit of Christ, we "desire to do what is right," but we are not able to do so because "nothing good" dwells in our sinful flesh (Rom. 7:18). "Thanks be to God," therefore, "through Jesus Christ our Lord," who delivers us from "this body of death" (Rom. 7:24-25). We rejoice in Him, our gentle King, who comes "righteous and having salvation" (Zech. 9:9). He speaks peace to our embattled hearts, and by His blood of the New Testament He sets us "free from the waterless pit," and He returns us to the stronghold of our Baptism (Zech. 9:10-12). Though we "labor and are heavy laden," He calls us to Himself and gives rest to our souls through His free and full forgiveness (Matt. 11:28), not because we are "wise and understanding," but by the "gracious will" of God the Father, whom "the Son chooses to reveal" in love (Matt. 11:25-27).

July 4

Men's Bible Study

July 12

Online Worship Service