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Online Worship Service

  • Christ Lutheran Church 501 N. Clear Springs Rd. Mustang United States (map)

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Order of Worship: Morning Prayer, adapted
Psalm: 119:57-64
Reading: Romans 8:18-27

The Word of the Gospel Bestows the Righteousness of Christ and Brings Forth Faith

The good Seed, which is "the Son of Man," Jesus Himself (Matt. 13:37), brings forth a harvest of faith and bears good fruits in "the sons of the kingdom" (Matt. 13:38). Whatever is sown apart from His Word is of the devil, who plants the weeds of unbelief and sin, even among the people of God. Thankfully, the Lord is patient and He does not uproot the weeds, lest the plants also be destroyed. He lets "both grow together until the harvest" (Matt. 13:30), while He continues to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins. Thus, He preserves His Church in righteousness, because He alone is "the King of Israel and his Redeemer" (Is. 44:6). Since all things are in His gracious care and keeping, "fear not, nor be afraid" (Is. 44:8). For "the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God" (Rom. 8:19), and in this hope we also wait with patience. Though we do not yet see it, "the Spirit helps us in our weakness" (Rom. 8:26) and, in truth, "the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" (Rom. 8:18).

July 18

Women's Bible Study

July 26

Online Worship Service