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Worship Service

  • Christ Lutheran Church 501 N. Clear Springs Rd. Mustang United States (map)

2nd Sunday in Lent (V)

Sunday, March 8

Introit: Ps 105:4-7 (antiphon: Ps 105:8)
Old Testament: Gen 12:1-9
Epistle: Rom 4:1-8, 13-17
Gospel: Jn 3:1-17

The Word of the Gospel Opens the Eyes of Faith and Fixes Them on Christ Jesus

The Lord called Abram (Abraham) to leave his home and go to a land that God would show him. He also promised to make of Abram "a great nation," to bless him and make his name great as a blessing to "all the families of the earth" (Gen. 12:2-3). "Abram went, as the Lord had told him" (Gen. 12:4), and in Canaan "he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord" (Gen. 12:8). He "believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness" (Rom. 4:3). Here the grace of God is manifested, that He "justifies the ungodly" (Rom. 4:5), not by works of the Law, but through faith in His promises. He removes all of our sins and lawless deeds through Jesus Christ, the offspring of Abraham in whom all the Lord's promises are realized. This forgiveness of sins is the Word of the Gospel, the voice of the Holy Spirit, which "gives life to the dead" (Rom. 4:17). It opens the eyes of faith to behold Christ Jesus, the Son of Man lifted up on the cross, "that whoever believes in him may have eternal life" (John 3:14-15).

March 7

Men's Bible Study

March 8

Education Hour